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Maggie McVeigh

Tenure: 44 years

Positions Held at GA:

  • Lower School teacher
  • Middle School teacher and administrator
  • Upper School teacher
  • Assistant Dean of Faculty and Studies
  • Director of Faculty Relations
  • Assistant Head of Middle School
  • Director of Professional Development

Honors Conferred:

  • 肖夫杰出教学奖主席 English
  • Class of 1760
  • Commencement Speaker
  • Outstanding Teacher Awards
  • Distinguished Achievement Award

Why Maggie Stayed:

  • That’s a very good question. Why would anyone stay put for 44 years? GA has gifted me with the opportunity to do 我擅长的(通常):教,写,说,听,和咨询 divisions of the school. 在这里,我的孩子们在很多方面都是在学校长大的 因为我留下了,而我丈夫也能分享他的生活,所以他们是什么样的人 artistic talent with the GA Community. 说实话,我得承认,上下班的路程 always a draw.

Lasting Memories:

  • After 44 years? Are you kidding?
    • 我把柜子门漆成宝蓝色 first classroom. 玻璃展柜,布置为联合国儿童基金会宣传. The first 六年级出版派对,从头到尾都是魔法. Sam Jackson’s fountain pen always at the ready. Peter coaching 90 lb. football. Every day learning from Gwen how to teach with love and laughter. Jack Pickering announcing my 与史蒂夫·肯尼迪的婚礼在开幕的教员会议上,解释说史蒂夫 had decided to “keep his own name.” Hickory Run, the speeding ticket, and the bears.
  • Oh dear I’m still in the Lower School years. Moving on.
    • 为一个害羞的学生起立鼓掌,勇敢地 recite her Romeo and Juliet 独白,先是带着泪水,每天爬到房间的前面 直到她转过身来面对我们大家,说出了吟游诗人的话 flawlessly.
    • 下午晚些时候和理查德一起发泄 laughing hard about almost everything.
    • 搬到高中,感觉焕然一新 all over again.
    • The Field House transformed into a holy space 用灯光、鲜花和音乐向彼得致敬,并向他告别.
    • 当然,有些记忆是痛苦的,但却是最好的 没有人分享,但知道他们也是编织在44年的挂毯上的一部分 years.

Maggie is thankful for:

  • 我一开始就遇到了一些罕见的杰出教育家,他们教会了我成为一名教师的意义, 是谁引导我,相信我值得他们花时间.
  • 学校愿意改变那些限制学生的传统.
  • 爱笑不怕哭的同事和同学.
  • 有机会和我哥哥一起工作,以老师的身份认识他.
  • The many, 很多同事都关心我的孩子们, persisting when necessary, 帮助他们成为像今天这样有趣和有兴趣的年轻人.
  • 我工作过的许多美丽的空间,这些空间激发了我与学生和教职员工的合作.

Memorable Quotes:

  • “How are you, Jason?” “Living the dream, Mag. Living the dream.” (Jason Straub 1760)
  • “Maggie, ‘need’ is a very strong word.” (Charlie Landgrebe 1760)
  • “Put a little bow in your hair.” (Kristen Donches 1760 quoting her Nona)
  • “How long have you worked at GA, Ms. McVeigh?” “Forty-four years, Evan.” “Ms. McVeigh, that’s thorough.”
  • “我怎么能知道我在想什么,除非我亲眼看到。 say?” (Ascribed to many)
  • “Favorite meeting of the day!” (Rich Schellhas)
  • “No, no. He’s my brother, not my husband!” (MMM)

Next Page of Life:

  • Some people know exactly what they plan to do after they stop working at GA. Many just 转过身来,回来,在GA继续工作. My plans are nebulous; bits and pieces of ideas float through my head; I consider only those that allow me to slow down and pay attention. 我可能会抱抱婴儿,和史蒂夫一起做儿童玩具 书,花一整天的时间计划,购物,准备,吃 meal. Maybe I will finally become a Jungian analyst. 我很好奇地看到,事实上,我以开放的心态欢迎 surprise of the rest of my life.

What Maggie Will Miss Most:

  • 虽然我很爱我的同事,我确实很爱,但我 会不会最想念的同学,真心不可思议的范围 personalities, interests, talents, and 我们的学生每天带着这些挣扎进入学校. I will miss the announcement made breathlessly at my office door between classes, “Ms. McVeigh, I got an 87 on my history test. Thanks for helping.” I will miss the mental 孩子们蜷缩在角落里,在走廊里放声大笑的照片 一个老师和一个学生在安静的谈话中彼此靠在一起. I will miss the opportunity to make my 新学年开始时,同事们欢声笑语,我也会怀念他们对我的亲切关怀 our days, and weeks, and years. 我会怀念踏出那 清凉的行政部门迎进明亮的阳光开始毕业典礼,而我 会不会怀念那长长的四弧线的握手和拥抱 same event.
  • 我带着感激之情离开,我 我可以肯定,我会想念对我的家那种深深熟悉的感觉.


to share a memory with Maggie



